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Curriculum Vitae




MFA in Art, Emphasis Sculpture - University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi




BFA in Art, Emphasis Sculpture - Fort Hays State University, Hays, Kansas

BS in Education, Art Education - Fort Hays State University, Hays, Kansas

Teaching Experience



Instructional Associate Professor of Art, Sculpture, Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.


2022 - 2024  


Instructional Assistant Professor of Art, Sculpture and Foundations, Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.

  • Courses taught: Art 103 Three-Dimensional Design, Art 331 Beginning Sculpture,  Art 332 Intermediate Sculpture, Art 490 Independent Study.

  • Instruction of graduate student teaching assistants in preparation for their teaching assistantship.


2019 - 2022   


Visiting Assistant Professor of Art, Sculpture and Foundations, Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.

  • Courses taught: Art 101 Two-Dimensional Design, Art 103 Three-Dimensional Design, Art 331 Beginning Sculpture, Art 332 Intermediate Sculpture, Art 490 Independent Study

  • Instruction of graduate student teaching assistants in preparation for their teaching assistantship. 




Visiting Assistant Professor of Art - Interim Sculpture Program Head, Sabbatical Replacement Fall 2020, Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.

  • Courses taught: Art 331 Beginning Sculpture, Art 332 Intermediate Sculpture, Art 431 Advanced Sculpture, Art 531 Graduate Sculpture and Art 405 Pre-Thesis Forum.

  • Full administrative responsibilities for the sculpture program, including management of the sculpture facilities, materials, supplies, and tools, direct supervision of the Shop Technician and other sculpture instructional faculty, delegation and oversight of graduate assistantship duties and undergraduate shop monitors, and guidance of sculpture MFA and BFA students.


2015 - 2019


Adjunct Instructor of Art, Sculpture and Foundations, Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.

  • Courses taught: Art 101 Two-Dimensional Design, Art 103 Three-Dimensional Design, Art 331 Beginning Sculpture, Art 332 Intermediate Sculpture, and Art 410 Art Internship.

  • Instruction of graduate student teaching assistants in preparation for their teaching assistantship. 


2013 - 2014     


Instructor of Record, Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.

  • Art 103 Three-Dimensional Design.




Teaching Artist, St. Louis Artworks, St. Louis, Missouri.

  • Six-week program with 17 student apprentices, ages 14 – 18

  • Designing, fabricating, and installing one commissioned bicycle rack for a private client and three commissioned park benches for the Edwardsville Art Center, Edwardsville, Illinois.

  • Overseeing the completion of various artworks for sale for fundraising event.




Student Teaching: Ellis High School/Washington Elementary School, Ellis, Kansas.

  • Instruction of four high school art classes and multiple elementary classes for 16 weeks as part of degree fulfillment.  

Service and Related Experience



Academic Board – The Institute for the Arts, Department of Music, Department of Art and Art History, Department of Theatre and Film, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.


Student Art Awards Committee - Member, Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.

  • Organization and implementation of carnival themed retention event in conjunction with student recognition for departmental and College of Liberal Arts awards.


Curriculum Committee - Member, Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi. 


Ad Hoc Committee – Class Length and Course Load, Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.




Recruitment Committee - Chair, Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.

  • Organization and delegation of committee responsibilities, attendance at on-campus and regional recruitment events, organization and implementation of departmental scholarship application and selection process, departmental visit/portfolio days, departmental tours, marketing and promotional materials.




Collaborative Juror – Yokna Sculpture Trail, Yoknapatawpha Arts Council, University of Mississippi, and University of Mississippi Museum, Oxford, Mississippi.

  • Collaborative jurying process for selection of sculptures for inclusion on the sculpture trail.




Freshmen and Transfer Student Orientation Advising, Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.




Installation Supervisor – Yokna Sculpture Trail, Yoknapatawpha Arts Council, University of Mississippi, and University of Mississippi Museum, Oxford, Mississippi.

  • Overseeing student crews, assisting visiting artists, installation and deinstallation of public sculptures, tool and equipment maintenance and transport, documentation of installations, artwork, and artists.




MFA Candidate Semester Reviews, Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.

  • Transcribing faculty feedback for student use and offering personal feedback based on visual, written, and oral presentations for graduate students in all disciplines.  


BFA Candidate Portfolio Reviews and Semester Reviews, Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.

  • Transcribing faculty feedback for student use and offering personal feedback for undergraduate BFA students in all disciplines.


Facility Support, Sculpture Program, Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.

  • Assisting with general inventory and ordering materials/tools/equipment, maintaining classroom and studio spaces and material/tool/equipment use and storage, maintaining and building equipment.

  • Inventory, ordering, and maintenance of First Aid consumables and First Aid kits. Repairing leather safety equipment.

  • Maintenance of blacksmithing space/tools/equipment

  • Maintenance of sewing machines

  • Collaborative direction of graduate student shop monitors in weekly clean up and facility improvements.




Search Committee Chair - Instructional Assistant Professor of Graphic Design, Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi. 


UM Ambassador Tour, Um Admissions, College of Liberal Arts, Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.

  • Collaborative tour of the sculpture area and informational session for university student ambassadors, providing material for future campus tours.


Catapult Competition Art and Aesthetics Judging, School of Engineering, Center for Math and Science Education, and Division of Outreach and continuing Education, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi. 

  • 6th - 12th grade participants


Thesis Committee Member - MFA Candidate Breanna Bercegeay, Sculpture Emphasis, Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.


2023 - 2024


Departmental Strategic Planning, Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi. 

  • Participation in two faculty retreats to develop a strategic plan for the department, aligning with department, college, and university goals. 




Collaborative Juror – Greenfield Farm Invitational, The Mississippi Lab and the University of Mississippi, Oxford, Mississippi.

  • One of three jurors for a plein air painting event at the location of the future Greenfield Farm Writers Residency.


Arts & Crafts Judging, Atchison County 4-H Fair, Effingham, Kansas.


Mississippi Day/Junior Preview Day, Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.

  • Recruitment and community outreach event open to prospective students, alumni, and families.




Search Committee Member – Department Chair Search, Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.


Thesis Committee Member – MFA Candidate Christopher Latil – Printmaking Emphasis, Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.




Mississippi Day/Junior Preview Day, Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.

  • Recruitment and community outreach event open to prospective students, alumni, and families.


Deinstallation Crew – The Other Sun Exhibition, University of Mississippi Museum, Oxford, Mississippi.

  • Assistance with the deinstallation, preparation, and packing of Jacob Hashimoto artwork for transport.


Arts & Crafts Judging, Atchison County 4-H Fair, Effingham, Kansas.


Guest Juror – Metals in May Exhibition, Society of Sculptors Club, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

  • Sole juror.




Thesis Committee Member – MFA Candidate Ashley Smith – Sculpture Emphasis, Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi. 




­Summer College Program Experiential Activity Coordinator, The Division of Outreach and Continuing Education, College of Liberal Arts, and Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.

  • Arranged and executed supplemental activities for high school students involved in the month-long Summer College program. These activities included printmaking and bookbinding workshops, blacksmithing and painting demonstrations, and studio visits facilitated by graduate students and faculty in the Department of Art and Art History. Number of participants in the activities ranged from six to seventeen.


Installation Crew – The Other Sun Exhibition, University of Mississippi Museum, Oxford, Mississippi.

  • Assistance with the unpacking and installation of Jacob Hashimoto artwork for exhibition.




Interim BFA Coordinator, Sabbatical Replacement Fall 2020, Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.

  • Conception and implementation of digital application, interview, and review processes, as well as advising students in the creation of portfolios, artist’s statements, and presentation preparation for all BFA disciplines.




Arts & Crafts Judging, Atchison County 4-H Fair, Effingham, Kansas.


Local Visiting Artist Juror – Yokna Sculpture Trail, Yoknapatawpha Arts Council, University of Mississippi, and University of Mississippi Museum, Oxford, Mississippi.

  • Contributed to the selection process of 12 public sculptures for installation on the trail.


Catapult Competition Art and Aesthetics Judging, School of Engineering, Center for Math and Science Education, and Division of Outreach and Continuing Education, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.

  • 6th - 12th grade participants




Steering Committee, National Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art and Practices, Sloss Furnaces, Birmingham, Alabama.

  • Workshops Committee Co-Chair




Catapult Competition Art and Aesthetics Judging, School of Engineering, Center for Math and Science Education, and Division of Outreach and Continuing Education, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.

  • 6th - 12th grade participants




Steering Committee, 8th International Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art, Scranton, Pennsylvania.

  • “Melt-Zone” Mentor/Mentee Program Chair

  • Organization and implementation of pre-conference workshop, pairing novice iron castors with experienced iron artists to create personal works of art.




Spring Visit Day, Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.

  • Portfolio review for scholarships and department tours.


Girl Scouts of America STEAM Event, College of Liberal Arts and the Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.

  • Aluminum relief workshop and pour.


Arts & Crafts Judging, Atchison County 4-H Fair, Effingham, Kansas.


2016-2017       Steering Committee, National Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art and Practices, Sloss Furnaces, Birmingham, Alabama.

  • Workshops Committee Co-Chair




Spring Visit Day, Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.

  • Portfolio review for scholarships and department tours.


Exhibition Preparator – Playground: A Margin for Error Adult Interchange, artist Jillian Springer, Gallery 130, Meek Hall, Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.




Department of Art and Art History Recruitment, North Pontotoc High School, Ecru, Mississippi and University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.

  • Aluminum relief workshop for Advanced Art students, departmental visit and aluminum pour.


Installation Crew – Yokna Sculpture Trail, Yoknapatawpha Arts Council, University of Mississippi, and University of Mississippi Museum, Oxford, Mississippi.

  • Student installation crew, assisting visiting artists, installation of public sculptures, tool and equipment maintenance and transport.


Arts & Crafts Judging, Atchison County 4-H Fair, Effingham, Kansas.




Graduate Assistant, Sculpture Program, Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.

  • Assisting in ordering materials and inventory, maintaining and building equipment, assisting students with class assignments and using equipment, evening and weekend shop monitor, assisting and leading metal pours.




Graduate Gallery Assistant, Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.

  • Assisting visiting artists and students install and deinstall exhibitions, including hanging artwork, lighting, and gallery maintenance, and hosting gallery receptions.




Graduate Student Committee for Review of New Faculty Candidates, Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.

  • Foundations, graphic design, and art history positions.


Steering Committee, 7th International Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art, Pedvale Open-Air Art Museum, Sabile, Latvia.

  • Chair of University and Student Relations

  • Exhibition Site Preparator




Student Foundry Technician, Fort Hays State University, Hays, Kansas.

  • Assisting in ordering materials, maintaining and building equipment, assisting students with class assignments and using equipment, and assisting during metal pours.

Selected Exhibitions



Mississippi Collegiate Art Faculty Exhibition, Lauren Rogers Museum of Art, Laurel, Mississippi. 


Tiny Iron at WCIAC, Western Cast Iron Art Alliance, El Cajon, California.




Adorned Spaces: Tiny Iron at SNAG, Society of North American Goldsmiths Conference, Montezuma Hall, San Diego, California. (invitational)


ArtSculpt International Public Sculpture Exhibition, ArtSculpt International, Fairview Heights, Illinois. (invitational)


Teeny Tiny Print Exchange Exhibition, Department of Art and Art History, Gallery 130, Meek Hall, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi. 


6th Annual Spring Honors Art Showcase - Faculty & Staff, Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College, University of Mississippi, Powerhouse, Oxford, Mississippi.




Sculpture Downtown 2023, public sculpture exhibition, Sixmile Sculpture Works and Alfresco Productions, Granite City, Illinois. (juried)


St. Joseph Sculpture Walk, public sculpture exhibition, Allied Arts Council, St. Joseph, Missouri. (juried)




Holiday Miniature Show, Bozarts Gallery, Water Valley, Mississippi.


Sanctuary Arts Festival Featured Artists Exhibition, The Graduate Hotel, Yoknapatawpha Arts Council, Mississippi Arts Commission, Campbell Clinic, and Oxford Magazine, Oxford, Mississippi. (juried) 


MSA Select, juror Melissa Vandenberg, Midsouth Sculpture Alliance, Pam Miller Downtown Arts Center, Lexington, Kentucky.


2023 Juried Exhibition NCCCIAP, juror David Lobdell, National Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art and Practices, Sloss Furnaces, Birmingham, Alabama.


Iron Tribe Exhibition 2023, national exhibition, Burris Hall Art Gallery, New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas, New Mexico. (invitational) 


2023 Faculty and Staff Exhibition, Gallery 130, Meek Hall, University of Mississippi Department of Art and Art History, University, Mississippi.




Yokna Sculpture Trail, public sculpture exhibition, Yoknapatawpha Arts Council, University of Mississippi, and University of Mississippi Museum, Oxford, Mississippi. (juried)




Holiday Miniature Show, Bozarts Gallery, Water Valley, Mississippi.


Western Cast Iron Art Conference Exhibition, national exhibition, Western Cast Iron Art Alliance, University Art Galleries, Warren M. Lee Center for Fine Arts, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, South Dakota. (juried)


MSA Select, juror Leticia Bajuyo, Midsouth Sculpture Alliance, Slocumb Galleries, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tennessee. 


Potluck, group exhibition, Rural Midwest Artists Cooperative, Lawton Gallery, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, Green Bay, Wisconsin. 




Industry on Track: A Juried Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition, public sculpture exhibition, Opelika Main Street, Opelika, Alabama.


St. Joseph Sculpture Walk, public sculpture exhibition, Allied Arts Council, St. Joseph, Missouri. (juried) 




Answering Earth, juror Jason Brown, virtual exhibition, Rural Midwest Artists Cooperative, Instagram.


Homegrown, group exhibition, Rural Midwest Artists Cooperative, Sean Christopher Gallery, Columbus, Ohio.


Flyover, group exhibition, Rural Midwest Artists Cooperative, The Hub Arts and Cultural Center, Rushville, Illinois.


Segmented 2021, International Sculpture Day virtual group exhibition, Rural Midwest Artists Cooperative, Website.


Department of Art and Art History Faculty Exhibition, Gallery 130, Meek Hall, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi


Collective Memory, Alzheimer’s Glass and Iron, virtual exhibition, Alzheimer’s Glass and Iron website. (invitational)


Fiber on the Square, Oxford Fiber Arts Festival, Yoknapatawpha Arts Council, Oxford, Mississippi




Sculpture Garden Invitational, public sculpture exhibition, St. Louis Community College – Florissant Valley, St. Louis, Missouri. 




Situational Invitational, virtual exhibition, Western Cast Iron Art Alliance, WCIAA website. 




Steering Committee Exhibition, National Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art and Practices, Back Forty Beer Company, Birmingham, Alabama.




Professional Exhibition, national exhibition, Western Cast Iron Art Alliance, Studio B, Granite City, Illinois. (juried)


Intent: A Tool Show, juror Miranda Kyle, International Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art, The Suraci Gallery, Marywood University, Scranton, Pennsylvania.


The Railroad Exhibition, juror Durant Thompson, International Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art, Steamtown National Historic Site, Scranton, Pennsylvania. 


Ferrous Wheel: Steering Committee Exhibition, International Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art, The Mahady Gallery, Marywood University, Scranton, Pennsylvania. 


Size Matters: Small Iron Works Exhibition, participant exhibition, International Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art, The Mall at Steamtown, Scranton, Pennsylvania.


FHSU Alumni Invitational, Sculpture Gallery, Center for Applied Technology and Sculpture, Hays, Kansas.


Chancellor’s Skybox, Vaught Hemingway Stadium, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi. (invitational)




St. Joseph Sculpture Walk, public sculpture exhibition, Allied Arts Council, St. Joseph, Missouri. (juried) 




Ferrous Arthives: The Process and Tradition of Cast Iron Art, Community Supported Art Program, Yoknapatawpha Arts Council, Powerhouse, Oxford, Mississippi. (solo, small group)


Out of the Box, juror Jean Shin, public sculpture exhibition, Jule Collins Smith Museum, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama. 


Carrier House, Chancellor’s Guest House, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi. (invitational)


Art on the Green Sculpture Garden Invitational, 100th Anniversary Celebration public sculpture exhibition, Kemp Center for the Arts, Wichita Falls, Texas. 


Steering Committee Exhibition, National Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art and Practices, Trim Tab Brewing Co. Birmingham, Alabama.


Granite City Sculpture Park, public sculpture exhibition, Sixmile Sculpture Works and Alfresco Productions, Granite City, Illinois. (invitational)


Leftovers VII Print Exchange, international print exchange and traveling print show, Wingtip Press.




Yokna Sculpture Trail, public sculpture exhibition, Yoknapatawpha Arts Council, University of Mississippi, and University of Mississippi Museum, Oxford, Mississippi. (juried)




Concept to Completion: Student and Professional Exhibition, jurors Mary Bates Neubauer and Wendy Raisanen, national exhibition, Western Cast Iron Art Alliance, Western Cast Iron Art Conference, The Gallery at the Civic Center Library, Scottsdale, Arizona. 


Flare: Iron Through the Lens, AFA Gallery, Scranton, Pennsylvania. (juried)


Hattiesburg Alliance for Public Art Second Annual Outdoor Sculpture Show, Hattiesburg, Mississippi. (juried)


5th 12x12: A National Exhibit of Small-Scale Works of Art, Todd Art Gallery, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee. (juried) 


Habitat For Humanity Birdhouse Exhibition and Auction, Yoknapatawpha Arts Council, Powerhouse, Oxford, Mississippi.


Art on the Green Sculpture Garden Invitational, curator Jeffie Brewer, public sculpture exhibition, Kemp Center for the Arts, Wichita Falls, Texas. 


Leftovers VI Print Exchange, international print exchange and traveling print show, Wingtip Press.


UM Art Department Faculty Exhibit, Southside Gallery, Oxford, Mississippi.




There’s No Place Like Home, MFA thesis exhibition, Gallery 130, Meek Hall, University of Mississippi Department of Art and Art History, University, Mississippi. (solo)


National Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Juried Exhibition, National Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art and Practices, Sloss Furnaces, Birmingham, Alabama. 


New Faculty/Staff Exhibition, Gallery 130, Meek Hall, University of Mississippi Department of Art and Art History, University, Mississippi. 


Iron Tribe Exhibit 2015, national exhibition, Burris Hall Art Gallery, New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas, New Mexico. (invitational)




26 Objects of Obsession, International Juried Exhibition at the Mini Museum, It’s All About Things Gallery, Port Chester, New York. (solo, small group)


Western Cast Iron Art Conference Juried Student Exhibition, national exhibition, Western Cast Iron Arts Alliance, Western Cast Iron Art Conference, Visual Arts Gallery, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming.


Student Summer Exhibition, juror William Dunlap, Gallery 130, Meek Hall University of Mississippi Department of Art and Art History, University, Mississippi.


Savienosanas Coalescence, jurors Guna Millersone and Durant Thompson, International Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art, Talsi Regional Museum, Talsi, Latvia. (permanent collection)


Uguns Zimedams Drawing Fire, jurors Ojars Feldbergs, Harvey Hood, Wayne Potratz, and Tamsie Ringler, International Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art, Jewish Synagogue Exhibition, Contemporary Art and Heritage Space, Sabile, Latvia. 


SHOEBOX: An International Sculpture Exhibition, online catalogue, Middle Tennessee State University, Todd Art Gallery, Murfreesboro, Tennessee. (juried) 


Powerhouse Sculpture Park, public sculpture exhibition, Yoknapatawpha Arts Council, Oxford, Mississippi. (juried)


Arbitary Coterie: MFA Work, Gallery 130, Meek Hall, University of Mississippi Department of Art and Art History, University, Mississippi.     


Leftovers V Print Exchange, international print exchange and traveling print show, Wingtip Press.




Sculpture Downtown, public sculpture exhibition, Sixmile Sculpture Works and Alfresco Productions, Granite City, Illinois. 


Student Summer Exhibition, Gallery 130, Meek Hall, University of Mississippi Department of Art and Art History, University, Mississippi. (juried) 


SLOSS Student Exhibition, National Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art and Pracitces, Sloss Furnaces, Birmingham, Alabama. (juried)


Sara Isom Center Gender Conference Exhibition, Art2Frame, Oxford, Mississippi. (juried)


Jasmine and Joe: the Art of Coffee and Tea, national exhibition, Marnie Sheridan Gallery, Nashville, Tennessee. (juried)


Graduate Student Exhibition, Gallery 130, Meek Hall, University of Mississippi Department of Art and Art History, University, Mississippi. 




Old Jefferson Town Featured Artist - June, John Steuart Curry Museum, Old Jefferson Town, Oskaloosa, Kansas. (solo)


Birds with Wings and Sculptural Things, Sculpture and Ground Beef by Stacey Rathert, BFA Solo Show, Spring Gallery Walk, Hays Arts Council Outdoor Space, Hays, Kansas. (solo)


Mississippi Collegiate Arts Competition, The Arts Center of Mississippi, Jackson, Mississippi. (juried)


Western Cast Iron Art Conference Student Show, national exhibition, Western Cast Iron Art Alliance, Hays Arts Council Annex, Hays, Kansas. (juried)


Sustain: National Collegiate Juried Exhibition of Recycled Art, The University Museum, Southern Illinois University – Carbondale, Carbondale, Illinois. 

Commissions, Residencies, and Special Projects



Greenfield Farm Invitational, The Mississippi Lab and the University of Mississippi, Oxford, Mississippi.

  • One-day, "plain air" art making event, open to public viewing.

  • One of 10 invited artists.




Artists for the Next 50 Years and Sanctuary Arts Festival, Yoknapatawpha Arts Council, Mississippi Arts Commission, Oxford Magazine, South Arts, National Endowment for the Arts, Oxford, Mississippi. 

  • Selected as one of 13 artists to be featured in a documentary film, various publications and on social media platforms, and two-day arts festival to include an Art Crawl, Studio Tour, Art Slam, and Art Disco. 


Self-Imposed Residency and Collaborative Project, with Jillian Springer, Lancaster, Kansas.

  • Five-day, intensive art production and collaboration resulting in the completion of two collaborative sculptures for submission to public sculpture exhibitions. 

Commissions, Residencies, and Special Projects cont.




 Grassroots Art Center Pole Art Commission, Lucas, Kansas. 

  • Fabricated and smithed steel sculpture for main street light pole. 




St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church Commission, Nortonville, Kansas. 

  • Concrete and steel sculptures for outdoor sanctuary.




Six Mile Sculpture Works Summer Residency, Alfresco Productions, Granite City, Illinois. 

  • Public sculpture designed, fabricated, and installed in downtown Granite City.    




Fort Hays State University Traveling Aluminum Furnace Crew

  • Colby Community College, Colby, Kansas; Felton Middle School, Hays, Kansas; Vanguard School, Colorado Springs, Colorado; La Junta High School, La Junta, Colorado; Kennedy Middle School, Hays, Kansas; Ellis High School, Ellis, Kansas.




Pour Crew for Matthew Barney Film River of Fundament, Detroit, Michigan. 

  • Preparation work on five large blast furnaces and site, charge crew for performance and filming. 

Lectures, Presentations, Workshops and Demonstrations



Mississippi Outreach to Scholastic Talent Reunion - College of Liberal Arts Panel Discussion, Center for Inclusion and Cross-Cultural Engagement, College of Liberal Arts, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.

  • MOST is a recruitment, retention, and student success program for rising high school seniors, focusing on community, mentoring, and personal development.

  • One of eight faculty/staff/student panelists discussing classroom expectations, opportunities and resources, and the college experience.  


Methods to the Madness, National Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art and Practices, Sloss Furnaces, Birmingham, Alabama.

  • Presentation on pedagogy used to teach cast iron and sculpture mediums.

  • Subtopics included: attitude and engagement, community building, safety, organization and signage, assignment sheets, handouts, and illustrations, demonstrations, physical examples, sketchbooks and research, learning from failure, hands-on experiences, pedagogy to practice, and archive systems.




Visiting Artist, Decatur Community Schools, Oberlin, Kansas. 

  • Workshop with three high school classes, portfolio visits with high school students, visits in 7th grade and elementary classrooms, and public lecture.   




Demonstration/Workshop - Blacksmithing, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi. 

  • Three-day demonstration of basic blacksmithing techniques and application of those techniques in the creation of a functional object. Participants forged a “hotdog fork” at the conclusion of the workshop portion. 

  • Undergraduate and graduate student participants enrolled in Advanced Sculpture Art 431/531. 


Cast Iron Cooking, National Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art and Practices, virtual conference.

  • Workshop Instructor

  • Taught participants how to make pizza in their cast iron skillet, compared the process and science of baking to cast iron. 


Workshop - Soft Sculpture/Sewing, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi. 

  • Workshop covering the basics of sewing with a machine and hand stitching. Participants sewed, stuffed, and closed a small pillow. 

  • Undergraduate and graduate student participation from multiple disciplines.  




Demonstration - Blacksmithing, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.

  • UM Sculpture Society Outreach and Fundraiser


Visiting Artist, Osage City Elementary School, Osage City, Kansas. 

  • Found object sculpture workshop with 58 Fourth Grade students.  


Montessori STEAM Summer Camp, Magnolia Montessori School, Oxford, Mississippi. 

  • Found object sculpture with 16 elementary age children.




I Am For An Art, Western Cast Iron Art Conference, Granite City, Illinois. 

  • Presentation prompt – Claes Oldenburg’s I am For… written in 1961

  • One of six invited presenters 


Visiting Artist, University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, Mississippi. 

  • Studio visits in sculpture and ceramics classes, three demonstrations of mold making techniques with resin-bonded sand and greensand, and public lecture.


Visiting Artist, Out of the Box Guest Artist Series, Jule Collins Smith Museum of Art, Auburn, Alabama. 

  • Classroom visits in Auburn City Schools, studio visits with Auburn University sculpture and ceramics classes, public lecture, and Family Studio artist workshop at the Jule Collins Smith Museum of Art. 




Workshop - Cup, Saucer, Spoon Mold Making, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.

  • Art 332 Intermediate Sculpture




Visiting Artist, Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, Louisiana.

  • Public lecture.




Life After Grad School, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.

  • Guest Lecturer BFA Senior Seminar Art 492


Workshop - Corpse in the Classroom, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.

  • Graduate Sculpture Art 631


Artist Lecture, University Museum, Oxford, Mississippi.


Guest Furnace, production pour, National Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art and Practices, Sloss Furnaces, Birmingham, Alabama.

  • Production of iron for guest molds at conference.




Grad School: The Ins and Outs, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.

  • Guest Lecturer BFA Senior Seminar Art 492


Corpse in the Classroom: Student Response, Collaboration: Success Loves Company Panel, Mid-America College Art Association Conference, San Antonio, Texas. 

  • Collaborative lecture with Professor Durant Thompson.


Baltic Iron: Exhibition Work Abroad, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi. 

  • Collaborative lecture with Seth Thibodaux.  


Graduate Schools Panel, Western Cast Iron Art Conference, Laramie, Wyoming.




Guest Furnace Demonstration Pour, National Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art and Practices, Sloss Furnaces, Birmingham, Alabama.


Artist Lecture, Sarah Isom Center Gender Conference, Art2Frame, Oxford, Mississippi.

Conferences and Workshops Attended



MSA Conference 2024, Midsouth Sculpture Alliance, Department of Art and Art History, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama. 


8th Biennial Wester Cast Iron Art Conference, Grossmont College, El Cajon, California. 




MSA Confab 2023, Midsouth Sculpture Alliance, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma 


National Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art and Practices, Sloss Furnaces, Birmingham, Alabama.

  • Production pour crew


Iron Tribe, New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas, New Mexico.

  • Production pour crew.




7th Biennial Western Cast Iron Art Conference, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, South Dakota.

  • Production pour crew




Mid-South Sculpture Alliance Interdisciplinary Sculpture Conference, virtual and in-person conference, Cincinnati, Ohio. 


National Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art and Practices, virtual conference. 




Paige Wainwright Award Workshop, Sloss Metal Arts, Sloss Furnaces, Birmingham, Alabama.

  • Self-directed, large mold making workshop resulting in 140 pound casting of burlap sack. 


National Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art and Practices, Sloss Furnaces, Birmingham, Alabama.




6th Biennial Western Cast Iron Art Conference, Granite City, Illinois. 

  • Production pour crew, exhibition installation crew


8th International Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art, Keystone Iron Works, Scranton, Pennsylvania.




National Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art and Practices, Sloss Furnaces, Birmingham, Alabama.




5th Biennial Western Cast Iron Art Conference, Scottsdale Community College, Scottsdale, Arizona.

  • Soup Can Cupola Contest, performance pour charge crew, Tiny Iron: “soup can” standard investment and centrifugal casting workshop.  


Making and Decorating a Tea Service with Amelia Stamps, Appalachian Center for Craft, Smithville, Tennessee.

  • Ceramics workshop


Fire at the Furnace, Keystone Iron Works, Scranton, Pennsylvania.

  • 8th International Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art Pre-Conference Planning Session. 




National Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art and Practices, Sloss Furnaces, Birmingham, Alabama.

  • Production pour


Iron Tribe, New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas, New Mexico.

  • Production pour




4th Biennial Western Cast Iron Art Conference, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming. 


Mid America Collegiate Art Association, San Antonio, Texas.  


7th International Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art, Pedvale Open-Air Art Museum, Sabile, Latvia.




 National Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art and Practices, Sloss Furnaces, Birmingham, Alabama.

  • Production pour


Six Mile Sculpture Works Iron Conference, Granite City, Illinois. 

  • Production pour crew. 




Six Mile Sculpture Works Iron Conference, Granite City, Illinois. 

  • Performance pour, production pour, mold-making workshop.  


3rd Biennial Western Cast Iron Art Conference, Fort Hays State University, Hays, Kansas. 

  • On-site planning and facilitating, performance pour iron production, tour guide.  




 Iron Tribe, New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas, New Mexico. 

  • Performance pour crew.  




Six Mile Sculpture Works Iron Conference, Granite City, Illinois. 


2nd Biennial Western Cast Iron Art Conference, University of Montana, Missoula, Montana. 

  • Performance pour crew. 




Kansas Artisans and Craftsmen’s Association Conference, Fort Hays State University, Hays, Kansas. 

  • Iron production pour and demonstration.  


National Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron, Sloss Furnaces, Birmingham, Alabama. 

Awards, Honors and Grants



Purchase Award, St. Joseph Sculpture Walk, Allied Arts Council, St. Joseph, Missouri.

  • Public sculpture purchased for permanent exhibition in the City of St. Joseph.


Featured Artist, The Medal for the Arts, The University of Mississippi Institute for the Arts, University, Mississippi. 




First Place Winner, Industry on Track: A Juried Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition, Opelika Main Street, Opelika, Alabama


First Place, Fiber on the Square, Oxford Fiber Arts Festival, Yoknapatawpha Arts Council, Oxford, Mississippi




Purchase Award, St. Joseph Sculpture Walk, Allied Arts Council, St. Joseph, Missouri.

  • Public sculpture purchased and donated to the City of St. Joseph for permanent exhibition.




Out of the Box: Juried Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition First Place Award Winner, Auburn, Alabama.


Community Supported Art Program Grant Recipient, Yoknapatawpha Arts Council, Oxford, Mississippi.




Cleanest Fabrication and Most Aesthetically Pleasing (Kick Ass) Furnace, Soup Can Cupola Contest, Western Cast Iron Art Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona. 




Graduate Achievement Award in Art and Art History, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.


Paige Wainwright Award, Outstanding Service to Conference, National Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron, Sloss Furnaces, Birmingham, Alabama.




Outstanding Studio Art Student Award, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.


Outstanding Sculpture Student Award, Rebel Sculpture Society, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.


Other Related Activities

2022 - Present


Pumpkin Carving Contest and Carving Event, Department of Art and Art History, UM Sculpture Society, and UM Sculpture, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi. 


2008 - Present  


Invitational Iron Pours, regional, national, and international locations.

  • Personal and cooperative art production, information exchange, community engagement, and networking. 




Artist’s Assistant, Aaron Hussey, APH Studios, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

  • Sand mold preparation and bronze casting of life size Saint Gabriel statue for St. Gabriel Catholic Church, St. Gabriel, Louisiana.




Mississippi Arts - Round Table Discussion, Oxford, Mississippi.

  • Discussion with Jane Chu - Chairwoman of the National Endowment for the Arts, Malcolm White - Executive Director of the the Mississippi Arts Commission, City of Oxford Mayor and Board of Aldermen, Wayne Andrews - Executive Director of the Yoknapatawpha Arts Council, Arts Council Staff, and local artists.


2015 - 2017


Repair Days Iron Pour, National Ornamental Metal Museum, Memphis, Tennessee.

  • Repair and restoration of cast iron items belonging to individuals in the community.


2012 - 2015      


UM Sculpture Society President, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.

  • Student organization, community outreach and educational trips.




Repair Days Iron Pour, National Ornamental Metal Museum, Memphis, Tennessee.

  • Repair and restoration of cast iron items belonging to individuals in the community.


Artist’s Assistant, Tim Chapman, Hays, Kansas.

  • Molding, casting, and clean up of waxes as well as detail modeling and smoothing of large scale and small-scale sculpture.


Community Service Project, Creative Art Society, Grassroots Art Center, Lucas, Kansas.

  • Bowl Plaza public restroom mosaic tile design for interior floor space and illuminated recycled bottle wall for in entry.

  • Art Barbecue, grilling for grand opening event.


2008 - 2012  


Creative Art Society Treasurer, Fort Hays State University, Hays, Kansas.

  • Student organization, community outreach, educational trips and high school art day.




Artist’s Assistant, Tobias Flores, University of Colorado – Denver, Denver, Colorado.

  • Reconstruction of cupola and community iron pour.


Lecture/Demonstration Assistant, Tobias Flores, St. Charles Community College, Cottleville, Missouri.




Artist’s Assistant, Tobias Flores, Saint Nicolas of Myra Church Commission, Hays, Kansas.

  • Life size bronze statue.


2022 - Present            


International Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art Organization


2021 - Present


Mid-South Sculpture Alliance




Rural Midwest Artists Cooperative

Selected Bibliography



Fitch, Zoe. "Stacey Rathert: A Portal to Kansas in Mississippi." Oxford Magazine, 24 June 2024. (Print and Online)





Terrel, Antonio. Artists for the Next 50 Years: Stacey Rathert. Vimeo, 2023, (Mini documentary)


Mullen Vermilye, Laura. “Stacey Rathert : Be the Fe!” The podCAST IRON, episode 28, Feb. 3, 2023, (Interview, also available on Youtube and Spotify)  


Garrett, Erin. “Mississippi Artists to Paint Faulkner’s Mule Farm.” University of Mississippi News, University of Mississippi, 5 Sept. 2023, (Interview for article)




St. Joseph Downtown Partnership. “New Sculpture Art Displayed.” News Press Now, Downtown Digest, 19 June 2018, (Article)


Main Street Pole Art. (2018, Spring). Grassroots Art Center News, 20, 2. (Photograph of artwork featured) 


Etheredge, Brandon. “Jule Collins Smith Museum Holds 'Out of the Box' Art Competition.” WTVM, American Broadcasting Company, 3 Feb. 2018. (Interview for news broadcast)


Hendrix, Charlotte. “Auburn Students Network with Award-Winning Sculptors.” The Newsroom, Office of Communications and Marketing: Auburn University, 1 Feb. 2018, (Article)




Davis, Virgina M. “Repair Days: Annual Fundraiser for Metal Museum.” RSVP, Nov. 2017, p. 34.

(Credited photograph)


McCarley, Ginny Cooper. “Reimagined.” Invitation Oxford November 2017: 62. Print and Web. (Featured artist)


“Out of the Box Interviews: Stacey Rathert (First Place Winner).” Youtube, Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art, 13 Oct. 2017, (Interview)


Belt, Andy. “Chairwoman of the National Endowment for the Arts Jane Chu impressed with arts scene in Oxford.” The Oxford Eagle 18 July 2017, News sec.: 1 Print and Web. (Credited photograph)


Posey, Reid. “Yoknapatawpha Art Council launching new program connecting local artists and those who love art.” The Oxford Eagle 16 July 2017, Lifestyle sec.: 1 Print and Web. (Interview for article)


Parker, Meredith. “Do Cutbacks in Funding Mean the Arts Are Under Attack?” Medium, The Oxford Crucible, 2 May 2017, (Interview for article)




Sweeten-Shults, Lana. “Kemp Exhibit Features Large Outdoor Pieces.” Times Record News, 20 May 2016.

Print and Electronic Article. (Credited photo and artist information)


McIntosh, Lizzie. “Art Department Students Get White-Hot Experience.” The Daily Mississippian [University] 2 May 2016, Volume 104, No. 132, News sec.: 5. Pirnt. (Interview for article)


McIntosh, Lizzie. "Art Department Hosts Iron Pour." The Daily Mississippian [University] 1 May 2016. The DM Online. Web. <>. (Interview for article)




Barney, Matthew, and David Grimm. River of Fundament. Laurenz Foundation, 2014. (Film)




Hunninghake, Erin. "The Iron Woman." Lady A 2012: 14-16. Print. (Interview)


"Rathert Art to Highlight Old Settlers Event." Atchison Daily Globe 19 June 2012. Print. (Exhibition article)


"Sculptress to Be at Curry Museum." The Oskaloosa Independent 18 June 2012. Print. (Exhibition article)


“Sparks Fly Amid the Storms.” The Hays Daily News 26 May 2012. Print. (Interview for article)




Yablonsky, Linda. "Crazy, Sexy, Khu." 7 Oct. 2010. Web. (Un-credited photograph)


Khu. Director. Matthew Barney. Composer. Jonathan Beplar. Michigan, Detroit. 2 Oct. 2010. (Performance)



Technical Abilities

  • Foundry practices and mold making 

    • Designing, building, operating, and maintaining iron copula furnaces, crucible furnaces for bronze and aluminum, and burn out/melt out kilns 

    • Ceramic shell, resin bonded sand, green sand, standard investment, bifor molds, and other non-traditional mold making for metal casting, ranging from large scale (100 pounds and larger) to miniature scale (less than 1 pound), stack molds and match plate molds, centrifuge casting 

    • Plaster, silicone, and rubber mold making, wax fettling, hard pattern (i.e. wood, metal or found objects), soft pattern (i.e. fabric and organic materials, wax, oil clay), and multiples

    •  Alginate molds and life casting, figure modeling and oil clay modeling

  • Steel fabrication and blacksmithing 

    • Oxy-Acetylene welding and cutting, MIG welding, ARC welding, plasma cutting, horizontal band saw, metal roller, and other various power and hand tools

    • Designing, building, operating, and maintaining gas and coal forges, power/trip hammer operation

    • Hot and cold metal forming and manipulation, chasing

    • Enameling on steel and small metals

  • Woodworking

    • Table saw, band saw, belt/disc sander, scroll saw, various hand-held power tools, and various hand tools

    • Basic wood carving, bandsaw boxes

  • Soft sculpture, sewing, and textile/fiber work

    • Hand sewing and embroidery, pattern creation and development, use of standard and industrial sewing machines, serger machines, long arm quilting machines

    • Wool felting, weaving, crocheting, loom knitting, and flocking

    • Clothing design, quilt design

  • Plaster and foam carving, additive/subtractive sculpture

  • Resin and plastics

    • Fiberglass/resin, epoxy resins and plastics for casting, epoxy resins for table top applications

  • Concrete casting and manipulation, hypertufa, “foamcrete,” non-traditional concrete applications

  • Installation, site specific, and collaborative processes 

  • Public sculpture

    • Fabrication, rigging, loading, and transportation, installation and deinstallation, maintenance, jurying/selection process, safety and related procedures 

  • Miniatures

    • Hyperrealism, sourcing materials from found and manufactured objects

  • Paper and Cardboard Manipulation

    • Papier mâché, paper pulp, paper clay, three-dimensional cardboard techniques

    • Book making/binding, pop-up techniques, pop-up sculpture

    • Paper cutting and collage techniques, paper marbling, image transfer, embossing, quilling, package design, Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop fundamentals 

  • Floral Design

    • Traditional and contemporary applications, fresh, artificial, and dried flowers, applications in alternative materials

  • Printmaking processes

    • Relief, intaglio, collagraph, stone lithography, monotype and monoprint, letterpress, non-traditional matrices

    • Steamroller printing, operation of steamroller 

  • Conte and charcoal drawing, additive and subtractive, perspective, figurative 

  • Ceramic hand building and throwing techniques 

  • Administrative and other duties

    • Inventory, budgeting, ordering materials/tools/equipment, quotes and purchase orders for large equipment.  

    • Maintenance and management of shop/studio/classroom spaces, storage, material/tool/equipment use, maintenance and repair of tools and equipment, safety and First Aid.

    • Undergraduate student advising, mentoring and studio visits/critiques across disciplines, portfolio and artist statement development. 

    • Graduate student mentoring and studio visits/critiques across disciplines, portfolio and artist statement development, professional development.  

    • Curriculum, course, and assignment building and development 

    • Recruitment and retention, departmental tours, university-wide recruitment events 

  • Fork lift operation (certified through 2026), 

    • Loading and rigging applications, large scale sculpture transport, and installation/deinstallation  

  • Gallery management

    • Scheduling, packing and shipping, installation and deinstallation, exhibition curation and preparation, lighting, facility maintenance, opening and closing receptions, advertising

Service and Related Experience
Lectures, etc
Special Projects, etc.
Awards, Honors, Grants
Other Activities
Technical Abilities

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